Free Visual Sitemap Generator from URL & XML Sitemap Creator

Generate Visual Sitemap with AI

AI Website Builder. Generate visual sitemap with AI.

We created a fast and very simple AI Website Generator to help you to create website structure with AI and save you a lot of time.

AI Website Builder

  • AI website builder or AI website generator is a platform that uses artificial intelligence to build a website or part of a website from scratch, making the website development process much easier and faster.

  • The most important thing is that the user gets a useful end result using the full power of artificial intelligence. It depends on how the developer trains the AI using the right prompts. It also depends on how the implementation itself is done. We've spent a lot of time making our AI Website Builder really useful, but we can't claim to be the best. 

  • No, this AI Website Builder does not build a completed website. It only creates the first part - the Visual Structure of the website. This serves as an important starting point for further development.

  • You will get the first and the most important part of the website - the visual structure. This is your starting point. From there you can change it manually or regenerate a new one using AI.

  • Just describe in words, in any language, what kind of website you want. That's it. Artificial intelligence will do the rest of the work and create the visual structure of the site.

  • Yes! Generate Visual Structures with AI as many times as you want absolutely free and without signup.

  • It can really generate the right visual structures of a website. But you should realize that it is Artificial Intelligence. AI Website Builder may make up facts, events, or advice. You should never rely on anything it tells (generating) you without double-checking the facts yourself.

  • You will get the first and the most important part of the website - the visual structure. This is your starting point. From there you can change it manually or regenerate a new one using AI.

  • Just describe in words, in any language, what kind of website you want. That's it. Artificial intelligence will do the rest of the work and create the visual structure of the site.

  • Yes! Generate Visual Structures with AI as many times as you want absolutely free and without signup.

  • It can really generate the right visual structures of a website. But you should realize that it is Artificial Intelligence. AI Website Builder may make up facts, events, or advice. You should never rely on anything it tells (generating) you without double-checking the facts yourself.

AI Visual sitemap builder

Create your visual site map or app structure using our interactive flow, taking full advantage of drag-and-drop. Dive deeper with page content blocks that make your structure simple to design, handle, and discuss.

Organize page content

Organize your page content by highlighting content blocks with color. Develop your color codes and apply them to your projects.

Visualize with wireframes

With low fidelity wireframes you can visualize contents of each block making it easy to understand the page layout and prepare the content fo your future project.

Export your sitemaps to PDF, PNG, TXT, XML

Have your sitemaps exported as PDF, PNG, TXT, XML. Prepare your material for printing, publishing, offline meetings or exporting. Attach time estimates when needed.

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